About Us
Forward Pharmacy Columbus is located at the former Sharrow’s Downtown, 100 S. Ludington St., in the historic four corners of Columbus, WI. The building has been home to Sharrow’s and Rexall Drug since 1855. Forward Pharmacy is proud and honored to carry on the tradition of quality patient care in this landmark location.
Our Pharmacists
Michelle Dreger, RPh
Managing Pharmacist
Michelle Dreger has been a PharmD for almost a decade, having graduated from UW-Madison’s School of Pharmacy in 2010. Over those years, Michelle has taken pride in helping a wide range of patients get the care they need and find the resources they need to stay healthy.
Ryan Bender, RPh
Director of Clinical Services
Ryan Bender is the Director of Clinical Services for Forward Pharmacy. He creates our standard of care for our immunization, comprehensive medication review, health screening and medication therapy management programs. He also practices at all of our stores so you will see him at Cambridge, Columbus and Deerfield.
Our Staff
Nicole Noble
Head Pharmacy Technician
Nicole, our head tech, is an integral part of our team at our Columbus store. With the incredible experience of two decades in the pharmacy industry and her CPhT certification, she truly stands out as an industry expert. Nicole’s favorite part of the job is her interaction with patients and ensuring that they leave feeling heard and with their pharmacy needs in hand. Her impact goes beyond her job role, making us all strive for excellence.
Sara Hanna
Pharmacy Technician
Your Community Healthcare Destination
Forward Pharmacy is passionate about serving our local communities. We strive to make it convenient for you and the people you care about to live a healthy life.
Transfer your prescriptions to Forward Pharmacy today and experience the difference a locally-owned pharmacy can make in your daily life!